Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Site Analysis


  1. Very thorough and comprehensive analysis to the area and site specifically. I appreciate the collected information you assembled as a strong beginning to establishing an architectural language to the project.

    Given what you have shown, I would say a possible next step would be to make it personal, show what its like to live, work, occupy such a place. I am very familiar with the area as I have lived there for 6+ years and can tell you that the spaces, people, activities and energy co-exist as a layered palimpsest of history and future, nostalgia and ambition. The public realm is equally as important as the private realm.

    What would it be like to occupy this place on a 24 hour cycle?

  2. I have never been to this site. From your analysis i can get an understanding of the neighborhood around your site. But I don't get a clear understanding of the site itself. Maybe a key showing where the pictures are taken would be helpful. I'm also curious as to which parts of you site analysis will inform your design.
