Thursday, December 13, 2012

introducing site


As you can see, I placed my building entrance facing Manhattan (the City of New York). The water front and park can be easily seen from the cafe and bar lounge. 


  1. Great Start. Can you you please add materials to the surrounding buildings.
    Also how does it feel walking around your building?

  2. ok I will give some views that help with that when its completed.

  3. Your building appears oddly out of scale with its surroundings, and with the plans you've been showing. I don't see any connection with your building to the site around it. How does your entrance engage the street? Think about how the building engages the site, how it connects with its surrounding, and how it becomes a part of the neighborhood.

    At the beginning there were comments about how your concept models were placed on a background. There were suggestions to engage the plane. Your floor plans also lack any engagement of its program elements. They are placed are safe relationships to one another. Where I feel that each event is individual and unrelated from the next. (I apologize for my post and comments on this matter being lost and not verifying that they went thru)

    I assume you are close to presenting this project. Take this opportunity to go back to your site analysis, look at how your program and your building elements can engage the surrounding environment. Address the rigid hard definitions you've created between inside and outside, between all elements of your design. Good luck.
